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《How many?》PPT课件3

《How many?》PPT课件3

《How many?》PPT课件3

How many ?



Please out of your fingers do with me!


Magic eyes


... ... ...


How many? How many? One. One. One.

How many? How many? Two. Two. Two.

How many? How many? Three. Three. Three. 

How many? How many? Four. Four. Four. 

How many? How many? Five. Five. Five. 

How many? How many? Six. Six. Six.

How many? How many? Seven. Seven. Seven.

How many? How many? Eight. Eight. Eight.

How many? How many. Nine. Nine. Nine.

How many? How many? Ten. Ten. Ten.


... ... ...

Ask and answer:

What class are you in?(你在几班?)

What’s your telephone number?


What row are you in?你在第几排?


1.用How many来描述家中的物品 。


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