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《Don't Smoke,Please!》Stay healthy PPT免费课件


《Don't Smoke,Please!》Stay healthy PPT免费课件



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Don't Smoke,Please!PPT,第二部分内容:课文呈现


Do you know when World No Tobacco Day is?

Do people in your family smoke❶? If so, what do you advise them to do?

Smoking is a bad habit. As a student, you should never smoke.

Why is smoking harmful❷?

Smoking is bad for your health. It can cause diseases of the heart and lungs. Every year, millions of people around the world die as a result of❸smoking. That's terrible!

If you smoke, you harm yourself, but you're also harming the people around you with your second­hand smoke.

Smoking pollutes the environment, too. Everyone wants to live in a clean environment and breathe fresh air. In many countries, smoking in public places is now against❹ the law.

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Don't Smoke,Please!PPT,第三部分内容:知识讲解


smoke/sməʊk/ v.吸烟  n.烟

eg:Do you mind if I smoke?



eg:It‘s against the rules of the school to smoke.


smoke也可作名词,smoke 可指燃烧中产生的烟,用作不可数名词。

eg:A puff of smoke came from the stove.



eg:Do you want to have a smoke?



harmful/'hːmfl/ adj. 有害的;导致损害的

eg:It's harmful to your health to drink too much.


be harmful to sb./sth.意为“对某人或某物有害”。

eg:Smoking is harmful to health.


be harmful to的同义词组有:


eg:Fatty food is harmful to you.

=Fatty food is bad for you.

=Fatty food does harm to you.


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Don't Smoke,Please!PPT,第四部分内容:Let′s Do It !

1)Fill in the chart with the information from the lesson.

2) Read the following sentences and pay attention to  the modal verb should. Then give advice for each problem using should.

·We should go to the hospital right now.

·As a student, you should never smoke.

1.I have a very bad toothache!

You should go to see a dentist.

2.My new bicycle was stolen.

You should call the police

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Don't Smoke,Please!PPT,第五部分内容:课堂练习


1.Don't ________ (吸烟) in the waiting room, please.

2._________(无论何时) you need my help, I'll come to help you.

3.Don't play computer games for a long time. It is h________ to your eyes.

4.(中考·云南)It's polite to keep our voice down_____________(在公共场合).

5.   (贺州模拟)Why did you put your money in the cooperative(合作社组织) in the country on ______________(如此大的风险)?


6.   ________(million) of migrant workers(农民工) go home during the Spring Festival.

7.  You should try __________(explain) how important it is in your life.

8.A good habit is the wealth of life. We should _______.

(help) children ________ (get) into good habits.

9.   When things aren't going well, he encourages me not__________ (give) up.

10.  Smoking in public is against the law. Please stop________ (smoke) right away.

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Don't Smoke,Please!PPT,第六部分内容:课堂小结

本节课主要学习了重点单词:refuse, stand和 take care of, be afraid of, have no choice but to do sth. be used to do sth. 等重要短语以及重要句型It’s + adj. + to do. 。并让学生更进一步的了解病人对症状及感受的描述、医护人员对病人施治过程的表达用语。




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