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《Put in on the desk》PPT


《Put in on the desk》PPT

第一部分内容:Let's chant !

Little boy, little boy.

Do you have a toy?

Yes, I have a dog.

It’s in my box.

And I have a cat.

It’s in my bag.

Put it on the desk.

... ... ...

《Put in on the desk》PPT,第二部分内容:Listen and do !(你说我做)

Put your….on/ in/ under the….

This is Jiamin’s room.   

It’s very messy( 乱).


(on, Put, tidy, bed, the, OK.)

A: Put your toys in _____ box.

B: ______, Mum.

A: _____ your books ____ the desk.

B: Yes, Mum.

A: And put the box under the ____.

Your room is _____.

关键词:广州版三年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,《Put in on the desk》PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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《Put in on the desk》MP3音频课件:

《Put in on the desk》MP3音频课件 文件内包含本课教学使用的MP3音频文件,非常适用于本课教学。 关键词:广州版三年级上册英语MP3音频课件免费下载,《Put in on the desk》音频下..