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《We'll see lots of very big stones》PPT课件


《We'll see lots of very big stones》PPT课件


It’s a very old place.

Listen and answer

What will we see there?

How will we get there?

What will we see there?

We’ll see lots of very big stones.

How will we get there?

By car.

It will take three hours.

... ... ...

Underwater World

1 hour/by bus

see the fish

watch a show

Xinghai Park

0.5 hour/by bus

see  flowers and trees

Fly kites

0.5 hour/by bus

see animals

have a picnic

Golden pebble beach

1 hour/by bus

go swimming

have a picnic…

... ... ...

Plan on May Day

The May Day is coming. I will go to ____. I will see _____. I will _____. I will go there by _____. It will take ______.


1.Listen and read.

选做 :

2.Finish your survey.

3.Talk about your plan with your friends.

关键词:《We'll see lots of very big stones》教学课件,外研版一起点五年级下册英语课件,五年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《We'll see lots of very big stones》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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