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《I Made It!》Celebrating Me! PPT


《I Made It!》Celebrating Me! PPT


Are you good at spelling? What words do you think are hard to spell?

What English skills would you like to improve?

Look at Peter’s paper. Can you correct his mistakes?

The Good Lunch by Peter Lopez 

One day, my father went to the Shoping Centre. 

He bot  bread at the bakery. On his way home, 

he stopped at  his bruther’s hoose . “Hi”, he sayd to …

Peter left Miss Martin’s classroom feeling like a loser. His teacher wrote a big“F”for“fail”on his English exam paper.

Krista, his friend, noticed him looking sad. 

“What’s wrong, Peter?”asked Krista.

“I just failed my English exam,”replied Peter. 

“I made too many spelling mistakes.”

“If I can spell, you can spell too,”said Krista.

... ... ...

I Made It!PPT,第二部分内容:Language Points

1. Peter left Miss Martin’s classroom feeling like a loser.





He sat in the armchair, reading a newspaper.


He sat under the tree, drinking tea.


2. His teacher wrote a big“F”for“fail”on his English exam paper.


You will fail in French if you don’t work hard.


I tried to fix the computer but failed.


3. Krista, his friend, noticed him looking sad.



notice sb. do sth. 注意到某人做了某事


notice sb. doing sth.注意到某人正在做某事


... ... ...

I Made It!PPT,第三部分内容:课堂练习

Listen to the dialogues and tick the correct answers.

1.How does the boy feel?

He feels excited.   He feels nervous.

2.Who are the two speakers?

A student and a teacher.    A girl and her aunt.

3.How did Cindy to on her homework?

She didn’t do well.    She did an excellent job.

4. How many days are there before the end of the term?

Seven days.     Seven weeks.

Read the lesson and complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.

agree    present    notice     fail     accept

Peter came from Mexico. He________ his English exam because he spelled too many words wrong. His friend Krista________ that. “If I can spell, you can spell, too,”said Krista. Peter didn’t___________ because English wasn’t his first language.

Krista helped Peter make a study plan. 

Peter _________the challenge, and he worked very hard.

On the last day of school, Miss Martin________________the Most-Improved Student Award to Peter. His spelling was perfect in the last exam. 

Peter felt so happy. He thanked Krista. 

Practice makes perfect! It always works.

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