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《My Helmet Saved My Life》Safety PPT


《My Helmet Saved My Life》Safety PPT

第一部分内容:Teaching Aims

1.Grasp new words and phrases:

sudden  blood  knee  rock  stick  stranger careless   go down  so...that.. lie down  take off  stick out of  

Thank goodness

2.Ability goals:How to give first aid.

3.Moral goals: Cherish your life.(珍爱生命)

Cycling is fun. 

Before you get on your bike, what should you check?

The brakes(刹车)

The tyres(轮胎)

The helmet

... ... ...

My Helmet Saved My LifePPT,第二部分内容:New words

helmet ['helmit] 


sudden [sʌdn] n.&adj.   

blood [blʌd]  n.

bleed [bli:d]   v.

sharp  [ʃ:p]  adj.

stick   [stɪk]  v.  stuck-stuck

knee   [ni:]   n.

goodness  ['gʊdnəs]n. 

... ... ...

My Helmet Saved My LifePPT,第三部分内容:Read and answer the questions.

1.Why did she go down?

2.Why did she lie down again?

3.What happened to her hand and knee ? 

4.What was wrong with her helmet?

5.Where did the stranger put her bike and took her to the hospital?

... ... ...

My Helmet Saved My LifePPT,第四部分内容:Can you retell the story?

Key words:

rode over a hole,  all of a sudden, went down, 

hit the ground, so…that,  bleeding

took off,   stick out of it, 

a stranger helped, in the back, drove...to the hospital

…saved her life

... ... ...

My Helmet Saved My LifePPT,第五部分内容:Write and present 

What should we do to keep safe ?

关键词:冀教版九年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,My Helmet Saved My LifePPT下载,SafetyPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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