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《Natural disasters》ReadingPPT


《Natural disasters》ReadingPPT


The Taiwan earthquake

Time: 1999


1. 12,000 buildings fell down.

2. 100,000 people became homeless.(无家可归)

3. Over 1700 people died.

... ... ...

《Natural disasters》PPT,第二部分内容:Task One Skimming 

Tip: Read quickly and quietly, and then catch the key words.

1. What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started ?

He was sleeping.

2. How did people save Timmy at last?

They quickly moved away  the bricks and stones.

Task Two

People ran out of the Shopping center

Was it thunder?

Help came.

I was trapped.

I screamed for help.

The wall came down.

Task Three

What did Timmy do to save himself after he was trapped?

He told himself to calm down.

He shouted for help.

He started to pull himself slowly through the dark.

He tried to find his way out.

He screamed when he heard some  noise above him.

... ... ...

《Natural disasters》PPT,第三部分内容:Homework

1.Write a report about Timmy.

2.Try to finish the exercises on P95-96.

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