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《Pets》Main taskPPT


《Pets》Main taskPPT

第一部分内容:Amy’s cat.


small, green eyes, grey fur, tail, white paws, 


lovely, clever, quiet, friendly, happy, lazy



cat food, fish or, milk

2. sleeping places


3. activities (like/dislike)

plays with balls and pieces of string, does not like dogs and rain.

... ... ...


What kind of pets: a cat/a dog

Main body

1. Appearance 

2. Its Personality

3. Its food, its home, its likes and dislikes

4. How to look after it


Why your favorite pet is special?

... ... ...

《Pets》PPT,第三部分内容:Sample writing

My pet's name is Pedro. Pedro has long red, blue and yellow feathers and small black eyes. He has a large beak and a very long tail.                             

When I say 'Hello' to Pedro, he always tries to say 'Hello' back. He is quite noisy sometimes, especially when he is inside his cage. He likes to fly around inside the flat, but we have to be sure to close the windows before he comes out of the cage. 

Pedro likes to eat seeds and nuts. His beak is very strong, so he can open nutshells by himself. He eats a lot and can be very messy. 

I have to feed Pedro every day and clean his cage. I always give him fresh water and sometimes a few grapes as a treat. 

I like watching Pedro play with his toys. It is fun to talk to him too. His favourite words are 'Hello' and 'lunchtime'. I think he is very funny. You can never be sad around Pedro. 


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