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《Can you ran fast?》PPT课件2


《Can you ran fast?》PPT课件2

can  能够

can + not = can’t 不能,不会

I can swim.

I can’t swim.

I can play football.

I can’t play football.

I can play basketball.

I can’t play basketball.

... ... ...

Can you run fast?

Yes, I  can.

No , I  can’t.

Can you _____?

Yes, I  can.

No , I  can’t.

... ... ...



不管主语怎么变,can 的摸样都不变。

动词原形站后边,一般疑问can 在前。

否定句can后要把not 添。

Test  小测验.考考你

1.Amy ____ swim.       

A. can    B. cans

2.Daming can  ____ fast.      

A. ride    B. riding   C.rides


I ____  play football. 

A. can   B. can’t   C. not can

... ... ...

Homework 必做题


I  can  play  basketball.

I  can  swim.

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