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《What's the highest mountain in the world?》PPT课件14


《What's the highest mountain in the world?》PPT课件14

课 前 预 习


1. 竹子 n. ___________

2. 濒危的 adj.___________

3. 研究;调查n.& v. __________

4. 饲养员;保管人n. __________

5. 醒着的adj. _________

6. 激动;兴奋n. ________________

7. 疾病;病n. ______________

8. 遗留的;剩余的adj. ___________


16. walk into ____________

17. fall over ___________

18. or so __________________

19. prepare for…___________

20. be awake _____________

21. run over _______________

22. die from ______________

23. cut down _____________

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课 堂 小 测


1. Bill’s i_______ is the result of eating unhealthy food and drinking cold water.

2. I couldn’t fall asleep. The noise kept me a__________ all night.

3. He bought me a book with the __________(剩余的) money.  

4. What do you think of the __________(研究) result?

5. Pandas feed on __________(竹子).


6. 当熊猫宝宝看到饲养员时,它们兴奋地跑过去,有些甚至撞上它们的朋友摔倒了。

When the baby pandas see the keepers, they _________ and some of them even _______ their friends and _________. 

7. 刚出生时,熊猫宝宝大约15厘米长。

________, a baby panda is __________.

8. 保护森林是挽救濒危野生动物的方法之一。

_______ the forest is one of the ways _________ wild animals __________.

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课 后 作 业

一、 单项选择

(    ) 1. Just now, Peter_________ an e-mail to his pen pal in Australia.

A. send   B. gives   C. gave    D. sent

(    ) 2. Some of the baby pandas only live for a short time because of ________.

A. ill      B. sick    C. illnesses    D. sickly

(    ) 3. I think reading is _______ writing.

A. important    B. as important as

C. less important as  D. more important

(   ) 4. – How can we _________ whales?     

– By learning some rules on whale ____.

A. protect; protect     

B. protection; protection   

C. protect; protection    

D. protection; protect

(   ) 5. The water in the lakes and rivers in Yunnan became _______ because of the dry weather.

A. fewer and fewer   B. more and more

C. less and less D. little and little

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1. 我们应该尽力保护野生动物。

2. 如果更少的人开车,那么将会有更少的空气污染。

3. 这些熊猫饲养员正忙着给熊猫宝宝们准备早餐。

4. 当他回家时,孩子们还醒着。

5. 中国政府正在采取措施帮助挽救这些濒危动物。


A、信息归纳.阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。Animals are interesting. Let’s have a look at some of them.

The panda is one of the most famous animals in the world. At birth, A baby panda is not black, it’s pink and it has no teeth. Adult pandas weigh many times more than baby pandas. They spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo. Pandas can live up to 20 to 30 years. But now the number of pandas is becoming smaller because people cut down many trees.

The elephant is the largest of all animals on land. They feed mainly on grass, leaves and fruits. Elephants are very helpful animals. They help people carry heavy things. Now elephants are endangered because some people kill them for their ivories (象牙)象牙). If people sell elephants’ ivories, they can make a lot of money. 

The tiger is the largest wild cat in the  world. Tigers love eating meat. After eating a lot, they usually do not need to eat again for several days. Now there are fewer and fewer tigers living in the forests because people cut lots of trees down and the tigers lose their homes. But the main reason is too much hunting (打猎)打猎). 

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B. 书面表达

当今世界,很多动物濒临灭绝,请你以 How to protect the animals in danger? 为题写一篇70字左右短文。内容包括:

1. 越来越多的动物濒临灭绝并分析原因。

2. 如何保护濒危动物(至少3种方法)。

3. 呼吁大家保护动物。




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1. _____ in danger / endangered because ____.

第二步:描写三种保护动物的方法。(注意使用语言过渡及连接词first, second…)


1. It’s necessary for us to _______. / We should do something to________.

2. First, we should ______.  

3. Second, we’d better __________. 

4. Third, it’s best for us to_________.



1. Let’s ________. 

2. I hope ___________.

第四步: 检查自己的写作。(1. 要求的3个内容都写到了吗?2. 有否语法错误?)

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