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《Back to School》Me and My Class PPT课件


《Back to School》Me and My Class PPT课件

第一部分内容:Lead in

Talk about  school life. 

Do you like the first day of a new school year?

Can you say something about your classmates or teachers?

... ... ...

Back to SchoolPPT,第二部分内容:Presentation

Listen and find the answers:

1.How many new classmates are there in Li Ming’s class?  What are their names?

2.What advice does Li Ming give Danny on how to start a conservation with Sandra?

3.Li Ming has a new subject this year. What is it?

4.What will Li Ming do to prepare for his class tomorrow? Why?

Read the text and find the answers:

1. Which grade is Danny in?

2. How is his first day of Grade 8?

3. Does he have any new classmates or new teacher?

4. How many new pupils are there in his school?

... ... ...

Back to SchoolPPT,第三部分内容:Language notes:

1. I was happy to see my classmates after such a long holiday. 这么长的假期过后,看到同学们我很高兴。

be happy/sorry/glad to do sth. 意思是“做某事很……”。例如:

He is sorry to hear that. 


such 作形容词,意为“如此,这么”,一般修饰名词(短语)。例如:

I never saw such a bird. 


2. One is Sandra and the other is Mary. 一个是桑德拉,另一个是玛丽。

the other 意思是“另一个”,它特指两者中的另外一个。


She has two sisters. One is a teacher and the other is a nurse. 


I have a lot of toys, but I’m going to buy another one.


the other+ 名词复数 =the others 表示其余的所有人或物。例如:

Only ten students are in the classroom. Where are the others? 


3. You always like to make new friends. 你总是喜欢结交新朋友。

to make friends (with) 表示“(和……)交朋友”。

make friends 是短暂性动词词组,若和一段时间连

用,则需要变成 be friends。例如:

It’s easy to make friends with kids. 


We have been friends for ten years. 


... ... ...

Back to SchoolPPT,第四部分内容:Practice 

Correct the mistakes:

1. I am back to home.

2. Today was my the first day of school in China.

3. My school  is bigger than your.

4. I was happy see your e-mail.

5. Every school have six classes.

6. I like running. It’s a good exercise for me.



1. When will you _____ ______ ______?

2. 过来坐在大明和丹尼之间。

Please come and sit _______ Daming _____ Danny.

3. 听到这个消息我很高兴。

I am glad ______ ______ the news. 


Our class ______ 60 _________.


Every teacher ______ _____ _________ __________.

... ... ...

Back to SchoolPPT,第五部分内容:Work in pairs 


How do you like Grade 8?

What is new this term?

Are there any new students in your class?

Do you have any new subjects?


Write a passage about how is your new term/school year like.

关键词:冀教版八年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Back to SchoolPPT下载,Me and My ClassPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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