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《Stage and screen》单元重点小结PPT

《Stage and screen》单元重点小结PPT

《Stage and screen》单元重点小结PPT


1.date back to/date from追溯到 out of date过时的

up to date (with...)赶上(……的)潮流;与……保持同步;最新的

2.transform v.使改观,使变形,使转化 transform...into...使……变成……

transform into转化成;改造为 be transformed from...into...由……变成……

transformation of... ……的转变

3.energetic adj.精力充沛的,充满活力的 energy n.能源;能量;精力

have the energy to do sth有精力做某事 full of energy精力充沛

4.combine v. (使)结合,(使)组合 combine...with/and...把……和……结合起来

combine to do sth联合起来做某事;联合起来促成某事

be combined with与……相结合 combination n.联合;结合;混合

in combination with与……联合起来

5.overcome v.控制(感情),克服(困难)

6.absorbed adj.专心致志的 absorb vt.吸收

absorb...from...从……中吸收…… absorb...into...把……吸收入……

absorb oneself in...专心于;全神贯注于 (be) absorbed in...全神贯注于……;被……吸引住

... ... ...

Stage and screen PPT,第二部分内容:重点句型

1.I was full of confidence—until the Peking Opera came to town!

2.The voices themselves sounded really unique—some of the female voices were so high that I was sure they could break glass!

3....with fans of the books disappointed not to see some of their favourite characters in the movie versions.

... ... ...

Stage and screen PPT,第三部分内容:重点语法


Hearing their teacher’s voice,the pupils stopped talking at once.

Having finished his homework,the boy was allowed to watch TV play.

Their car was caught in a traffic jam,thus causing the delay.

The children ran out of the room,laughing and talking merrily.

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