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《This one is heavy》PPT课件4


《This one is heavy》PPT课件4


Long, long, long, the _____ is long.

Short, short, short, the_____is short.

Big, big, big, the _____ is big.

Small, small, small, the _____ is small.

How about the _____?

It’s beautiful. Very beautiful.

... ... ...

1.Where are they going to go?

They’re going to go to the  supermarket.

What’s the supermarket like?

Oh, what a big supermarket!

a lot of = lots of

And there is a lot of fruit, too.

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《This one is heavy》PPT课件5:

《This one is heavy》PPT课件5 Where are they going to go? They are going to go to the supermarket. Question: How is the supermarket? What a big supermarket! What are ther..

《This one is heavy》PPT课件3:

《This one is heavy》PPT课件3 What are there in the supermarket? There are ... ... Listen and repeat(跟读) Read in groups(小组读) Read together (齐读) Read in roles (分角..

《This one is heavy》PPT课件2:

《This one is heavy》PPT课件2 Let's chant . Boys:white green purple red pink yellow blue Girls:big small short fat long beautiful tall Together:cute quiet smart bored ..