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《How many?》Animals at the zoo PPT


《How many?》Animals at the zoo PPT


tiger  wolf

bear  snake

What’s this?

It’s an elephant.

It’s a bird.

What’s this?

It’s an elephant.

Its nose is long.

Its tail is short.

... ... ...

How many?PPT,第二部分内容:New sentence

Let’s count!

How many monkeys are there?

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

There are ten monkeys.

Let’s count!

How many birds are there?

There are two birds.

... ... ...

How many?PPT,第三部分内容:Let’s do it!

How many tigers are there?

There are eight tigers.

__________ pandas are there?

There are __________.

How many ____ are there?

_________ six dogs.

... ... ...

How many?PPT,第四部分内容:Let’s chant!

One, one. The zoo is fun.

Two, two. Two bears at the zoo.

Three, three. Three pandas I see.

Four, four. Four wolves roar.

Five, five. Five snakes alive.

Six, six. Six monkey tricks.

Seven, seven. Birds in heaven.

Eight, eight. A tiger and his mate.

Nine, nine. Elephant are fine.

Ten, ten . Let’s sing again.

... ... ...

How many?PPT,第五部分内容:Homework


2、用“How many…are there?  There are …”句型与好朋友之间进行对话。

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