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《Again,Please!》Food and Restaurants PPT

《Again,Please!》Food and Restaurants PPT

《Again,Please!》Food and Restaurants PPT

1. Listen and talk.

Seller: Good morning! What would you like?

Jenny: I’d like a hamburger,please. Would you like a hamburger ?

Danny: No,thanks. I’d like three donuts.

Jenny: How much are they ?

Seller: Twenty yuan.

Jenny: Thanks !

Seller: You’re welcome.

2. Listen and circle.

3. Match, write and say.

Word list:

ice cream   bread hamburger   pear banana

orange  watermelon   donut

water    apple      

juice      hot           

dog       milk 

tea        eggs    noodles

4. Read and match.

a. You’re welcome.

b. How much is this pencil ?

c. Okay ! I’ll take three,please.

5. How am I doing?

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