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《Writing》My Favourite School Subject PPT

《Writing》My Favourite School Subject PPT

《Writing》My Favourite School Subject PPT


1.擅长  be good at

2.迟到  be late for

3.两分钟之后  in two minutes

4.体育  physical education (P. E.)

5.误课/耽误上学 miss class/school

6.有病的;生病的 be sick

7.咳嗽  have a cough

8.根本不;一点儿也不  not...at all

... ... ...



I'm Tom.I'm a Grade 8 student in Riverside Middle School.

My school life is interesting.I like it very much.

I have five classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon.I study English, Chinese, math and some other subjects.

I like English best because it's easy and interesting.I don't like 

math because I always meet difficulties in studying math.I try hard but it doesn't work at all.After class, I often play basketball with my classmates.I go to the school library for some reading twice a week.

I like my school life.What about yours? Can you tell me something about it?


Tom is a (1)________ of (2)______8, Riverside Middle School. He likes his school life because he thinks it is (3)__________. He has (4)________ classes a day. (5)_______ is his favourite subject.He dislikes (6)________ because he can't learn it well.He often (7)________ (8)___________ with his classmates after class.He (9)_______ in the school library (10)_______ a week.

... ... ...



1. 当提到school life,你会从哪几个方面进行描写呢?



2. 短文中是如何描述最喜欢的学科和最头疼的学科的呢?   



新的学期开始了,老师要求同学们写一篇以My favourite subject为主题的发言稿。假如你是Cindy,请根据以下要点提示,谈谈你的看法。词数:90左右。(演讲稿的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。)


1.What's your favourite subject?

2.Why do you like it best?

3.How do you usually learn it well?

... ... ...



My favourite subject is…

I like…best.

I like…most.


It's interesting/useful/…

It helps me….

It makes me…


I usually….

…is the best way to…

To learn it well, I…

... ... ...

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