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《Where will you go?》PPT

《Where will you go?》PPT

《Where will you go?》PPT


Washington .D.C.华盛顿哥伦比亚区

the capital of America

White House(白宫)

White House is famous for WashingtonD.C.

South Africa

I love  nature in South Africa.

Natural beauty  is famous for South Africa.

nature 大自然

natural  大自然的

Paris 巴黎

Eiffel Tower 


Paris is the capital of France. 

Paris is the food capital of the world. 

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《Where will you go?》PPT课件:

《Where will you go?》PPT课件 第一部分内容:Lets go travelling! If I can travel abroad, 在外国 I will go to I will choose the USA. I'll go to Washing.D.C. I'd like to vis..