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《I've got a new friend》PPT课件2

《I've got a new friend》PPT课件2

《I've got a new friend》PPT课件2

He l_____ in Honkong.

Lucy goes to L______.

Here is a p_____ of Lucy.


We were at Buckingham Palace.


It was my birthday on Saturday.

... ... ...

How old is Amy now?

Amy is still eight.

When will she be nine?

Amy will be nine in April.

What has Amy got?

She’s got a new friend.

What has Lingling got?

She’s got short,black hair.

... ... ...

I’m s_____ eight.

I will be nine in A____.

I like traditional d_______.

I a____ like football.

I am A______.

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《I've got a new friend》PPT课件4:

《I've got a new friend》PPT课件4 1.How old is Amy? She is still eight. 2.When will she be nine ? She will be nine in April. 3.Is Beijing cold? The weather in Beijing isn..

《I've got a new friend》PPT课件3:

《I've got a new friend》PPT课件3 Listen and answer: 1. Whats the weather like in Beijing? It isnt cold. Its warm. 2. Lucy has got a new friend Zara. What has Amy got? Am..

《I've got a new friend》PPT课件:

《I've got a new friend》PPT课件 1. How old is Amy? She is ten now When will she be 11? She will be 11 next year. 2. Whats the weather like in Beijing? It isnt cold now. ..