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《Art world》TaskPPT

《Art world》TaskPPT

《Art world》TaskPPT


playing the piano





mix the paint with water(把颜料和水混合在一起)

have a gift for---(有---的天赋)

drop some paint onto the paper(把一些颜料滴在纸上)

encourage me to keep trying and make more wonderful pictures(鼓励我继续尝试---)

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第二部分内容:Listen and answer 

Does Sandy enjoy herself in the world of colours now?

Yes.She enjoys herself in the world of colours every time she paints.

Read and answer 

1. Why did Sandy once not like art lessons?

Because she could not draw very well.

2. What was Sandy doing as usual at Ms Luo’s art lesson one day?

She was playing with some paint.

3. What did Sandy do after she dropped some paint onto the paper?

She decided to blow it.

4. What did Ms Luo encourage Sandy to do?

She encouraged Sandy to keep trying and make more wonderful pictures.

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《Art world》PPT,第二部分内容:Language points

(1)  praise (vt)  赞扬,称赞

praise sb for sth

e.g. 他赞扬她的勇敢。

He praised her for her courage.

(2)have a gift for 对---有天赋

gift  (n)  天赋


e.g. 他有音乐天赋。

He has a gift for music.

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《Art world》PPT,第三部分内容:课堂练习


The head teacher_______ (praise) Lucy for her courage at yesterday's school meeting.

The spilt(洒出的)coffee has left some__________ (mark) on the table cloth.

As I took the brush away, I  _______ (drop) some paint onto the paper.

Ricky had a ________(please)trip to Lushan Mountain last spring.


1. 我的妹妹在跳舞上有很好的天赋。 

My sister ___________________________. 

2. 每当我画画时,我就快乐于色彩世界。

_________ I paint, I __________ in the world of colours.

3. 颜料四处流淌,创造出了一幅有趣的图画。

The paint _______________ and made a very interesting picture.

4. 后来我的确制作出了几幅精彩的图画。

I ___________ some wonderful pictures later.

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《Art world》PPT,第四部分内容:Homework

1. Improve your story according to others’ advice.

2. Finish off the relevant exercises.

关键词:牛津译林版九年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,《Art world》PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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