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《He spent about 21 hours in space》PPT课件4

《He spent about 21 hours in space》PPT课件4

《He spent about 21 hours in space》PPT课件4


What is Yang Liwei?   

He is a taikonaut.


(由汉语拼音 taikong 和 astronaut缩合而成) 

Put them in the right order.

1.He spent twenty-one hours in space.

2.Then he came back to the earth. 

3.In October 2003,Yang Liwei flew into space in Shenzhou V.

4.He made a video in space.

5.He did a lot of work there.

... ... ...

Listen and tick“T”or“F”

1.Yang Liwei’s son is proud of his father.(  )

2.He wants to go to the sea someday .(  )



2、完成学生课堂活动用书P26 活动一

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1. Listen and imitate the text three times.

2. Make a card about a famous person and talk about her/him.(谈论你心目中大人物过去发生的事情)


spent [spent](spend的过去式)度过

about [ə'baʊt]大约

flew [fluː](fly的过去式)飞,飞行

October [ɒk'təʊbə]十月

video ['vɪdɪəʊ]录像

proud [praʊd]感到自豪的

someday  ['sʌm,deɪ]有朝一日

... ... ...


1. Talk about the past things of a great man /woman in your mind.(谈论你心目中大人物过去发生的事情)

2. Talk about the past things of yourself.(谈论你自己过去发生的事情)

When did Shenzhou V flew into space?

Who was inside?

How long did Yang Liwei spend in space ?

What did Yang Liwei do in space?

Is Yang Liwei's son proud of him ?

关键词:《He spent about 21 hours in space》教学课件,外研版三起点六年级下册英语课件,六年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《He spent about 21 hours in space》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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《He spent about 21 hours in space》PPT课件5:

《He spent about 21 hours in space》PPT课件5 Verbs Past tense Verbs Past tense play played spend spent work worked come came want wanted make made is was can could fly fl..

《He spent about 21 hours in space》PPT课件3:

《He spent about 21 hours in space》PPT课件3 do did go went eat ate say said make made take took write wrote come came read read have had Yang Liwei went into space in 20..

《He spent about 21 hours in space》PPT课件2:

《He spent about 21 hours in space》PPT课件2 不规则变化 Group1 fly--flew see--saw are--were is/am--was come--came spend--spent make--made can--could 规则变化 Group2 want-..