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《He invented this bicycle in 1839》PPT课件


《He invented this bicycle in 1839》PPT课件


Invent, invent, invented,

Chinese people invented paper.

Print, print, printed,

I printed this newspaper.

... ... ...

That’s true. (○) That isn’t true. (×)

1). An American invented this bicycle.

2). A Chinese invented this bicycle.

3). An English invented this bicycle.

4). One wheel of this bicycle was very small.

5).The two wheels of this bicycle were very big.

6).The man invented this bicycle in 1839.

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《He invented this bicycle in 1839》PPT课件3:

《He invented this bicycle in 1839》PPT课件3 One wheel of this bicycle was very small. Listen Look at this______. Its a______. Look at the man______. He was______. He____..

《He invented this bicycle in 1839》PPT课件2:

《He invented this bicycle in 1839》PPT课件2 paint-ed play-ed print-ed clean-ed invent-ed stay-ed watch-ed finish-ed wash-ed 轻对轻 浊对浊 以t结尾读/id/ 今天我们要学会 1...