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《Welcome to our school》Flash动画课件9

《Welcome to our school》Flash动画课件9

《Welcome to our school》Flash动画课件9

本课件属于人教精通版五年级下册英语unit1《Welcome to our school》的教学素材Flash动画课件,内容生动形象,敬请下载!

关键词:《Welcome to our school》教学课件,人教精通版五年级下册英语Flash动画课件下载,五年级英语动画课件下载,《Welcome to our school》Flash课件下载,.SWF格式;

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《Welcome to Our School》School and Friends PPT教学课件:

《Welcome to Our School》School and Friends PPT教学课件 第一部分内容:Objectives 1.掌握重点单词:(预习中掌握)show,around, classroom,office,plan,fun, lab。 2.用英语..

《Welcome to Our School》School and Friends PPT课件:

《Welcome to Our School》School and Friends PPT课件 第一部分内容:Words and expressions show v. 指示;带路 around adv.prep. 到处;在附近 classroom n. 教室 office n. 办公..

《Welcome to Our School》School and Friends PPT:

《Welcome to Our School》School and Friends PPT 第一部分内容:Words and expressions show v. 指示;带路 around adv.prep. 到处;在附近 plan n.v. 计划 fun n. 玩笑;有趣的..