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《Danny's Hobby》Enjoy Your Hobby PPT下载

《Danny's Hobby》Enjoy Your Hobby PPT下载

《Danny's Hobby》Enjoy Your Hobby PPT下载


huge  adj.  极大的;巨大的

African  adj.  非洲人的

hen   n.   母鸡

anymore adv. 再也不;不再

A task: Say something about yourself.

What’s your hobby?

Why do you enjoy it?

... ... ...

Danny's HobbyPPT,第二部分内容:Think about it!

1. What is a hobby?

2. How many people are there in your family?

What hobbies do they have?

3. Danny has a hobby. What is it?  Make a guess. 

Listen and catch the answer:

What’s Danny’s another hobby? 

Collecting facts about his family.

Read carefully and answer the questions:

1. What is Danny’s grandma’s letter about?

2. What does Danny think of his hobby?

3. Why does Danny’s grandma call his grandpa Grandpa Giant?

4. To show his hobby, what would he like?

5. What does Danny want to do with his grandma? 

... ... ...

Danny's HobbyPPT,第三部分内容:Exercises



Thank you for your help.


I must thank you for telling me the news.


I like playing basketball/to play basketball after school.


We are all proud of Yao Ming.

... ... ...

Danny's HobbyPPT,第四部分内容:Practice


____ you ____ inviting me to the party.


Kate___ ____ ____ the piano.


I ____ ____ ____ you.


I want to _____pens _____ you.

... ... ...

Danny's HobbyPPT,第五部分内容:Summary

I. Words and expressions

collect, proud, huge, report, trade, feel, proud, make a report

II. Important sentences

1.Thank you very much for your letter about 

Great Great Grandpa Rex.

2.It’s fun and it makes me feel proud.

3.I am making a report for my classmates.

... ... ...

Danny's HobbyPPT,第六部分内容:Homework

Now let’s interview your partner about his or her family members. 

Ask about their lives, jobs, hobbies or anything else you want to know. 

Then write a report and present it to the class. 

You are given a few minutes to prepare for it.

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