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《Let's Do an Experiment》Look into Science! PPT免费课件

《Let's Do an Experiment》Look into Science! PPT免费课件

《Let's Do an Experiment》Look into Science! PPT免费课件

第一部分内容:Warming up

What kinds of experiments have you done in science class?

If you hold a jar that is filled with water upside down, what will happen?

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Let's Do an ExperimentPPT,第二部分内容:Reading

Read the lesson and answer the questions.

1. Where does Danny think they should do the experiment?

Danny thinks that they should do the experiment outside.

2. What keeps the water in the jar?

The force of the air. / The air pressure.

3. Is Jenny sure of her theory? How do you know?

Yes, she is. She is so sure of her theory that Brian can do the experiment over Danny’s head and he won’t get wet.

4. Why does Danny put on his raincoat?

Because he thinks he will get wet.

5. What does Danny conclude?

Air is stronger than he thought.

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Let's Do an ExperimentPPT,第三部分内容:Language points

1. Then I turn the jar upside down and take my hand off the cardboard.


upside down 意思是“颠倒着,倒转着;乱七八糟”。 

e.g. The canoe floated upside down on the lake. 


The children turned the house upside down. 


turn… upside down 把……翻转;倒过来

e.g. If you turn the envelope upside down, the key will fall out. 


take…off 把……拿开

e.g. Will you take your books off the table? 



take away & take off

在take away 与take off 这两个短语中,take 都是“拿、带”的意思,away 和off 是副词,都可以表示“离开、离去”的意思。


take away 可表示“拿走”、“使离开”、“减去”等意思。如:

His sister wants to take away this book.


The girl was taken away from school.


Take away 3 from 6 and you get 3.


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Let's Do an ExperimentPPT,第四部分内容:Homework

Try this experiment at home and use the scientific method to record the process and report the results. 

You may also choose to take photos or draw pictures of the experiment.

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