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《Chinese festivals》PPT(第一课时)

《Chinese festivals》PPT(第一课时)

《Chinese festivals》PPT(第一课时)


A: Which one do you like?

B: I like meat.

C: I like fish.

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Chinese festivalsPPT,第二部分内容:Words

or   [ɔ:, ə]


eg:There isn’t any milk or juice in the fridge.


Would you like to some orange juice or apple juice? 




Do you like living in a big city or a small town?

call   [kɔ:l]


eg:The king calls the two man to make new clothes for him. 


I’ll give you a call this weekend.



It isn’t polite _____(call)her fat.

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Chinese festivalsPPT,第三部分内容:Dialogue

The Spring Festival is in January or February. 


People also call it Chinese New Year.


At this festival, people get together with their family. 


Some people eat dumplings.


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Chinese festivalsPPT,第四部分内容:Expand

how much与how many的区别

how much与how many的区别在于:

how many  后接可数名词复数形式

how much 后接不可数名词。


-How many people are there in your family?你家有几口人? 

-There are five.五口人。 

-How many birds can you see in the picture?图画中你能看见多少只鸟?

-Only one.仅看见一只鸟。 

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Chinese festivalsPPT,第五部分内容:Exercise


The Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China.It usually comes in January or February. According to the Luna Calendar,it is the first day of a new year.Since it always comes in spring,we call it Spring Festival.It is a favorite festival of the Chinese people.Children like it best.Children can get lucky money from their grandparents,their parents,uncles,aunts and other elder people.Old people also like it. Because the family will get together, they can see their children and grand children.They can also get lucky money from their children who have worked.

( )1.This passage is about Spring Festival.

( )2.At Spring Festival, people usually go to work together.

( )3.The children like Spring ,but the old people don’t.

(  )4. Spring Festival is a favourite festival in China.

(  )5.Spring Festival usually comes in May.


( )1.People usually eat ______ at Spring Festival.

A.moon cakes    B. dumplings    C. rice dumplings

( )2.We call_____ Chinese New Year.

A.Spring Festival    B. New Year   C.Christmas

( )3.At Dragon Boat Festival, we can _____ dragon boat races.

A.look at     B. see     C.watch

( )4.________is about a great poet(诗人)QuYuan.

A.Christmas      B. Chinese New year   C. Dragon Boat Festival

( )5.At Spring Festival, we usually _______.

A.eat dumplings    B. get together with our family   C. A & B

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Chinese festivalsPPT,第六部分内容:Homework

Talk about your favorite festivals.

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《Chinese festivals》PPT(第二课时):

《Chinese festivals》PPT(第二课时) 第一部分内容:Introduce Whens Spring Festival? What do people usually do at Spring Festival? What do people usually eat at this festiva..

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《Chinese festivals》基础知识PPT 第一部分内容:重点单词 1.festival 节日 2.January 一月 3.February 二月 4.call 叫作,称作 5.dumpling 饺子 6.May 五月 7.June 六月 8.place 地..

《Chinese festivals》PPT:

《Chinese festivals》PPT 第一部分内容:Look and learn the Spring Festival the Double Ninth Festival The Mid-Autumn Festival 1.The Spring Festival comes in January or Febr..