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《Can Sam play football?》PPT课件


《Can Sam play football?》PPT课件

Let’s say and do the actions.

run, run;   jump, jump;

swim, swim; skip, skip; 

ride a bike, ride a bike;  

read a book, read a book;

watch TV, watch TV;

take a picture, take a picture.

... ... ...

Let’s chant.

Can you swim?

Can you fly a kite?

Can you skate?

Can you ride a bike?

He’s tall and strong.

Can Yao Ming play  basketball?

Yes, he can.

He is our

Can he play football?

No, he can’t.

... ... ...

Let’s chant.

Can you, can you, can you run fast?  Can you run fast?

Yes, I can.      No, I can’t.

Can he, can he, can he jump far? Can he jump far?

Yes, he can.   No, he can’t.

Can she, can she, can she swim? Can she swim?

Yes, she can.  No, she can’t.

... ... ...


1、Read the text 3 times .

2、Finish the activity book  from page 22 to page23.

关键词:《Can Sam play football?》教学课件,外研版三起点四年级上册英语课件,四年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Can Sam play football?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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《Can Sam play football?》PPT课件3:

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《Can Sam play football?》PPT课件2:

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