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《He has a big head》SectionA PPT

《He has a big head》SectionA PPT

《He has a big head》SectionA PPT


Hi! 你看我的眼睛像不像字母e, 鼻子是nose的首字母,嘴像不像mouth的第一个字母m,耳朵里藏着小小的e,还有我的头花可是h形的哦!你能记住我的样子吗?

Hi! I’m a girl.

I have long hair.

Hi! I’m a boy.

I have short hair.

I'm a girl. 

I have big eyes.

... ... ...

《He has a big head》PPT,第二部分内容:Work alone

Complete the following sentences.

I _____ a wide mouth.

You ____ a round face.

Jane _____ long hair.

He _____ a big head.

We _____ big ears.

They _____ small eyes.

It _____ a long neck.

... ... ...

《He has a big head》PPT,第三部分内容:Summary



头: head

大眼睛:big eyes

小鼻子:a small nose

长脖子:a long neck

短头发:short hair

大嘴:a wide mouth

圆脸:a round face

... ... ...

《He has a big head》PPT,第四部分内容:Homework

Hi 我是Kit, 交个朋友吧! 把你和你最好的朋友介绍给我吧,要详细描述你们的样子哦,我会记住你们的!

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