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《See you at the party》PPT

《See you at the party》PPT

《See you at the party》PPT

第一部分内容:Key phrases:

invite… to  邀请   have fun  玩的开心

on this special day   在这个特殊的日子里

call me on  打我的电话

come together  聚在一起

Key sentences:

1. I’d like to invite you to Ann’s birthday party. 

2. We hope that all her friends and classmates will come together and have fun on this special day. 

3. The party will be at the school meeting room, next Saturday, November 21st. 

... ... ...

《See you at the party》PPT,第二部分内容:Pay attention!

1. I’d like to… 是委婉的表达想法的用语,

eg:I’d like to visit your school next week.

I’d like to  tell you a story.

2.at作为一个地点介词用,后面跟一个范围不大的地方名词或表示场合的词,eg: I saw Jiamin at the swimming pool. See you at the party.

3. 现在进行时可以表示已经安排好并且将来一定会发生的事情。eg: I’m working tonight.   

She’s flying home tomorrow.

4. --Can you go to the movies with me, Helen? 


A. Sure, I’d love to  B. Don’t worry  

C. That’s too bad   D. No, I don’t know 

关键词:广州版五年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,《See you at the party》PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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《See you at the party》PPT课件:

《See you at the party》PPT课件 第一部分内容:短语回顾 去购物 go shopping 没问题 No problem. 开派对 have a party 去野餐 go for a picnic = go on a picnic = have a picnic ..