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《Mum bought a new T-shirt for me》PPT课件3


《Mum bought a new T-shirt for me》PPT课件3

Do you like this pair of shorts?

pair  一套,一双,一副

No, I don’t want shorts. I want trousers.

trousers  长裤

Mum bought new clothes for Sam.

clothes  衣服

A: That’s my T-shirt !

B: No ! It’s my T-shirt !

T-shirt  T恤衫;短袖圆领衫

... ... ...

Listen and answer the questions!

1.Where are Sam and Amy’s T-shirts?

They are on the line.

2.Did Ms Smart wash Lingling’s T-shirt? Why?

No, she didn’t. Because Lingling’s T-shirt is clean.

... ... ...



2.记熟P22活动三的重点 句子,准备默写。

3.完成Module4 Unit1的背诵。


关键词:《Mum bought a new T-shirt for me》教学课件,外研版三起点五年级上册英语课件,五年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Mum bought a new T-shirt for me》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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《Mum bought a new T-shirt for me》PPT课件2:

《Mum bought a new T-shirt for me》PPT课件2 Draw and guess. T-shirt T恤 Mum bought a T-shirt for sam. trousers 长裤 a pair of trousers 一条裤子 shoes a pair of shoes 一双..

《Mum bought a new T-shirt for me》PPT课件:

《Mum bought a new T-shirt for me》PPT课件 Read the new words argue 争吵 matter 麻烦事 wear 过去式 wore 穿 line 绳子 clean 干净的 whose 谁的 名词性物主代词 my+名词=mine ..