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《Theatres Are Fun!》Movies and Theatre PPT免费下载


《Theatres Are Fun!》Movies and Theatre PPT免费下载

第一部分内容:Think about it

Can you name some famous playwrights? Who are they?

What kinds of plays do you like? Why?

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Theatres Are Fun!PPT,第二部分内容:New Words

1. playwright   n.  剧作家

2. William Shakespeare 威廉.莎士比亚(英国诗人、作家)

3. Hamlet   哈姆雷特(莎士比亚悲剧剧名及该剧的主人公)

4. tragedy   n.  悲剧

5. teahouse  n.  茶馆

Read the lesson and write true (T) or false (F).

1. William Shakespeare is a world- famous playwright. (    )

2. Shakespeare’s works are all comedies and historical pieces. (    )

3. Hamlet is a famous comedy. (    )

4. Teahouse was written by Lao She. (    )

5. Cao Yu wrote the play Thunderstorm. (    )

6. In Lao She Teahouse Theatre, you can drink tea while enjoying a play. (    )

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Theatres Are Fun!PPT,第三部分内容:Language points

1. Guess what? 猜猜怎么回事?


e.g. You did what? 


What? I can’t hear you.



e.g. What! No lunch!


2. I can’t wait to see them. 


can’t wait to do sth. 是一个固定结构,意为


e.g. She can’t wait to see the well-known singer.


He can’t wait for tomorrow.


3. Some research was done in order to make the play. 为演这个戏剧,我们进行了研究。

in order to意思是“为了”。

e.g. He got up early to / in order to / 

so as to catch the first bus.


He walked about in order to keep warm.


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Theatres Are Fun!PPT,第四部分内容:【运用】


1. 为了我能上大学,妈妈攒了很多钱。

My mom saved much money _________________ I could go to college. 

2. 玛丽讲话的声音很大,以便大家都能听到。

Mary speaks loudly _________________everyone can hear. 

3. 为了完成那项工作,琳达昨天晚上熬夜到很晚。 

Linda stayed up late ______________finish the work.

4. 为了在考试中取得好成绩,刘伟总是努力学习。

_______________ get good marks in the exams, Liu Wei always works hard.

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Theatres Are Fun!PPT,第五部分内容:Homework

Use the table above and write a short passage about your favourite play or playwright.

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