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《It's very long》PPT课件3


《It's very long》PPT课件3

Ask and answer

Where are you from?


I’m from…


Where is Amy from?


She’s from London.


... ... ...

River Thames


This river is very______.

And it’s very ______

Module 2 目标语句

1.它是关于伦敦的. 我来自伦敦.

It’s about London.  I’m from London.

2.这条河很宽. 它很长.

This river is very wide. It’s very long.

3.这是大本钟. 它很高.它是一个古老的钟.

This is Big Ben. it’s very tall. It’s a very old clock.

4.它是伦敦眼. 它很高.它很新.

It’s the London Eye.It’s very high.it’s new.


It’s big and round.

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《It's very long》PPT课件2:

《It's very long》PPT课件2 London is the capital of England. Where are you from? Where is Amy from? We are from China. Lets go to London now! 让我们现在去伦敦! the River ..

《It's very long》PPT课件:

《It's very long》PPT课件 Whats he like? tall short Whats it like? big small Whats she like? fat thin Whats it like? long short ... ... ... tall和high的区别 : 说一个不与..