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《Show and Tell!》Enjoy Your Hobby PPT课件下载


《Show and Tell!》Enjoy Your Hobby PPT课件下载


◆He has four books full of stamps!他有4本贴满邮票的集邮册!

full of 作后置定语,be full of意思是“充满,装满”。

eg:The bottle is full of water.这个瓶子装满了水。

【拓展】be filled with意为“充满,装满”。

eg:The bottle is filled with water.这个瓶子装满了水。

◆He spins it up and down.他让它上上下下旋转。

spin 动词,意为“旋转;扭转”。

eg:My head is spinning.我现在头晕。

◆Finally it's Danny's turn.最后轮到丹尼了。

It is one's turn to do sth.意思是“轮到某人做某事了”。

eg: It is Jim's turn to clean the blackboard.轮到吉姆擦黑板了。

◆Then it will go through the door.那样它就可以穿越这个门了。

through是介词,意思是“穿过”。across 和through两者都有“穿过”的意思。across 是指“从表面通过”,其含义与on 有关;through 从里面穿过,与in 有关。

eg:I walked across the square to the museum.我走过广场到达博物馆。

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Show and Tell!PPT,第二部分内容:课堂练习


1.Lucy has four books ________of stamps.

2.The hole is too small for the cat to get ____________.

3.It is spring.It is the best time to _________things in the garden and parks.

4.This is not a ___________stamp.It is from my uncle in America.

5.Many old people enjoy _____________their yo-yos in the park.


present,swim, a, perform, interest, take

1.He shows the class his yo­yo.It is a good ___________________.

2.Many people enjoy ________________in the river in summer.

3._________ your hobby out of the box and get it ready.

4.It is _________interesting hobby.Everyone is __________________in it.

5.If there is a hobby show, what would you like__________________?


(       )1.I have got ________ new stamp.________ stamp is from America.

A.a;The  B.an;The  C.the;The  D.a;A

(       )2.Do you know something ________ your family history?

A.about  B.of  C.with  D.for

(        )3.Let's ________ the boy to go there.

A.asks  B.ask  C.to ask  D.asking

(      )4.Be careful!The cup ________ hot water.

A.is full of  B.are full of

C.are filled with  D.filled with

(       )5.It is ________ turn ________ the blackboard today.(阿凡题 1074837)

A.Brian's;clean  B.Brian;to clean

C.Brian's;to clean  D.Brian;cleaning



If there was a hobby show, would you like_______________________?


His speech was so great that everyone ______________________him.


This box is ________of ______________________________model trains.


He is _________fat ___________________the door.


Monkeys like climbing ____________________.

关键词:冀教版八年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Show and Tell!PPT下载,Enjoy Your HobbyPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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