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第一部分内容:Qualities of my friend

She’d like to share everything with her friends.

I can tell her anything and she keeps my secrets. 

She can always help me with my problems. 

I can go to her when I am in trouble.

She is willing/ready to help me any time

She is good at telling jokes. 

She often makes us laugh.

... ... ...

《Friends》PPT,第二部分内容:detailed reading

Betty ‘T’or‘F’

1.Betty is very    fat. 

2.Betty is willing to help others any time.

3.She likes to share things with her  friends.

4.She only gives seats to  old men  in need on the bus.

5.She wants to be a dancer when she grows up.

Max  Answer some questions:

1. How tall is Max?

Almost 1.75 metres tall.

2. Does Max wear glasses? How does he look ?

Yes. He looks smart. 

3. When we are with Max, How do we feel? Why?

We never feel bored. He tells funny jokes.

4.  Do his legs fit well under the school desks?

What happens to him when he walks past the desk?

No. He often knocks our books and pens onto the floor.

... ... ...


Who would you choose as your  best friend, …?

---I’ll choose Betty.

Why?---Because she is generous and helpful.

What does he/she look like?

----She is slim and she has short hair.



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