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《Our Ambitions and Dreams》My Future PPT下载


《Our Ambitions and Dreams》My Future PPT下载




1.What’s  Li Ming’s  ambition?

2.What about your friend’s ambition?

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Our Ambitions and DreamsPPT,第二部分内容:课文呈现


·What does it mean to know yourself? How well do you know yourself?

·Is it important to choose the right path for your dreams? Why?



Subject:The Future

Date:08/11 7:09 p.m.

Hello Danny,

In school,we are talking about our ambitions and dreams. Some of us have no idea,but others have very clear goals. Some students want to be fishermen,some want to be policemen❶ or policewo­men,and some want to be artists. There are so many good choices. It's hard to choose just one. The main thing is to know yourself and to choose the right path for you.

What will I be when I grow up? I hope to be a good teacher like Ms. Liu. She is strict❷ but nice. She encourages us to work hard,but she never punishes us. Her classes are fun!

What are you going to be when you're older,Danny? You are good at playing basketball. You would be a good basketball player,I think. Are you taller this year?

Talk to you soon!

Li Ming

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Our Ambitions and DreamsPPT,第三部分内容:知识讲解


policeman /pə'liːsmən/ n. 男警察

eg:You'd better ask the policeman over there.


考向一  女警察为:policewoman

考向二  含有man 和woman 的单词单复数的变化规则

(1)当man 和woman作定语修饰名词时,man 和woman与其所修饰的名词都要变为复数。

eg:man servant 男仆 men servants男仆们

woman doctor 女医生   women doctors女医生们

(2)当man 和woman在单词的词尾时,只需将man 和woman变为复数。

eg:chairman 主席 chairmen主席们


strict /strɪkt/ adj.严厉的;严格的

eg:The teacher is very strict with his students.


常与with一起连用,be strict with sb.意为

“对某人严格”。be strict in sth.意为“对某事要求严格”。

eg:Her parents are very strict with her.


Mrs. Brown is always ________ ________ (对……严格)her child in the study.

【点拨】be strict with sb.“对某人严格”。

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Our Ambitions and DreamsPPT,第四部分内容:Let's Do It !

1)Read the lesson and answer the questions.

1.What is the e­mail about?

It's about the future.

2.What's the main thing to think about when you choose a job?

It's to know yourself and to choose the right path for you.

3.Why does Li Ming hope to be a teacher like Ms. Liu?

Because Ms. Liu is strict but nice. She encourages students to work hard,but she never punishes them.

4.How many kinds of jobs can we find in the e­mail?


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Our Ambitions and DreamsPPT,第五部分内容:课堂练习


1.It is the ____________(警察的)duty to protect(保护)us.


2.Here are some ________(选择)for you.It's up to you.

3.The students talked about their __________(抱负)last week.

4.The teacher p________her students for cheating in the exam.

5.Our teachers are all very s______with us.


6.Our math teacher is strict ______us and______ his work.

A. in; with B. with; in

C. in; in       D. with; with

7.Don't ______ the little boy.After all, he is only 5 years old.

A.punish    B.warm

C. tie         D.note

8.Teenagers have the abilities to make their own ______.

A.choose    B.chose

C.choice     D.choices

【点拨】本题采用固定搭配法。句意:青少年有能力做出自己的选择。choose选择,是动词,过去式是chose。choice选择,是名词。make their own choices做出他们自己的选择。故选D。

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Our Ambitions and DreamsPPT,第六部分内容:课堂小结


重点单词:policeman,strict, choice, punish 等。




关键词:冀教版八年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Our Ambitions and DreamsPPT下载,My FuturePPT下载,.PPT格式;

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