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《The apples are falling down the stairs》PPT课件


《The apples are falling down the stairs》PPT课件

Let’s try.

Oh dear! I can’t carry them all. _____(look / looked / are looking) at the _____. And the________(are falling / fell / falls) down the ________. 

Now, the___________ ( fell /fall / is falling ), too.

What a mess! Who can help me?

Now point and say.

A: Can he help?

B: Yes, he can. He will pick up the apples.

... ... ...

Let’s chant.

What is he doing? 

Look at him.

He’s trying to get on the bus.

And what is she doing? 

Look at her.

She’s trying to get off the bus.

And what are you doing?

Look at you.

But I can’t do it,

not at all,

with all this terrible fuss.

关键词:《The apples are falling down the stairs》教学课件,外研版一起点六年级下册英语课件,六年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《The apples are falling down the stairs》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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《The apples are falling down the stairs》PPT课件5:

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《The apples are falling down the stairs》PPT课件4:

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《The apples are falling down the stairs》PPT课件3:

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