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《The Fisherman and the Goldfish(I)》Movies and Theatre PPT课件


《The Fisherman and the Goldfish(I)》Movies and Theatre PPT课件


1. To learn the story The Fisherman and the Goldfish

2. To listen and enjoy the play that Danny, Jenny and Kim performed

3. To learn some useful words and expressions 

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The Fisherman and the GoldfishPPT,第二部分内容:Words

goldfish  n. 金鱼

wife  n. 妻子

net  n. 网;网络

whatever  pron. 无论什么;不管什么;任何(每样)事物

God  n. 上帝

grey  adj.&n.  灰色(的)

marry  v. 结婚;嫁;娶

ours  pron. 我们的

Ⅰ. 根据汉语提示完成句子。

1. That will be his ____ (妻子) with him, I suppose. 

2. Several fishermen sat on wooden barrels, tending their ____ (网).  

3. ________ (无论什么) you want, I will give you.

4. Her face faded away into ____ (灰色的).   

5. He wanted to _____ Lucy.  

6. His opinion is different from ____ (我们的).

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The Fisherman and the GoldfishPPT,第三部分内容:Let’s Do It!

Number the sentences in the correct order. 

The fisherman told his wife about catching a goldfish.

A poor fisherman with a hat went out fishing.

The wife wanted the fisherman to ask for a new house.

The fisherman let the talking fish go.

The fisherman caught a talking fish.

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The Fisherman and the GoldfishPPT,第四部分内容:Language points 


He led the people from failure to victory.


Our monitor led the discussion.


Mr. Wang leads a basketball team.


This road leads to our school.


What did you ask for? 你要了什么?

ask for后接物时,意思是“要求得到某物”;接人时;意思是“要求见到某人”。

I will ask for a house next time. 


He asked for much money. 


Someone is asking for you at the gate. 


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The Fisherman and the GoldfishPPT,第五部分内容:Homework

1. Learn the new words and phrases by heart after class.

2. Read the whole story The Fisherman and the Fish from book or the Internet.

3. Preview Lesson 34 on page 88. 

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