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《It's red》PPT课件2


《It's red》PPT课件2

1、Let’s sing a song.

Please  stand  up , please  sit  down .

Point to the window and point to the door.

Please  stand  up , please  sit  down .

Point to the blackboard and point to the door.

Please  stand  up ,please  sit  down.

Point to the desk and point to the door. 

... ... ...

What colour?

It‘s  black.

Now,it’s black.


red,blue,yellow and green.

Word  List:

my it (it‘s=it is) red a an panda blue yellow green black

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《It's red》PPT课件:

《It's red》PPT课件 What colour is it? Its yellow. Its blue. Its red. Its green. Its black. Chant Red red. Its red. Yellow yellow. Its yellow. Blue blue. Its blue. Green ..