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《Whose Coat Is This?》PPT


《Whose Coat Is This?》PPT

第一部分内容:Have a try!

1.Is this Liu Zhaoyang’s coat?

A. Yes, it is.   B. No, it isn’t.

2.What color is Liu Zhaoyang’s coat?

A. Purple.     B. Red.

3.Is this Kevin’s coat?

A. Yes, it is.   B. No, it isn’t.

Try again!

A: ______ coat is this? Liu Zhaoyang, is this your coat?

B: No, it ______. ______ coat is red.

A: Kevin, is this _____ coat?

C: Oh, yes, It’s _____coat. Thank you very much.

A: You’re welcome.

... ... ...

《Whose Coat Is This?》PPT,第二部分内容:Ask and answer.

A: Whose _____ is this?

Jack,is this your ____ ?

B:Yes, it is. It’s my ____.

No, it isn’t. My ____is red.

... ... ...

《Whose Coat Is This?》PPT,第三部分内容:Homework:

1.P26-P27   Listen, read and recite for 3 times. (P26-27 听、读、背3遍) 

2. Make a new dialogue.(可选做)

关键词:陕旅版三年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,《Whose Coat Is This?》PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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