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《It's a red dog》PPT课件2


《It's a red dog》PPT课件2

What color?

It’s  green

What’s  this?

It’s  a  door.

It’s  a  green door.

What color?

It’s  red.

What’s  this?

It’s a ball.

It’s a red ball.

... ... ...

It’s a red dog.


It’s a green desk.


It’s a yellow window.


It’s a blue elephant.


... ... ...

Look and say

看一看  说一说

What’s this?

It’s a …(颜色) …(物品).

It’s a black and white panda。

It’s a blue door.

It’s a red school bag.

It’s a yellow box.

It’s a white cat.

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《It's a red dog》PPT课件3:

《It's a red dog》PPT课件3 Red red its red. Green green its green. Blue blue its blue. White white its white. Yellow yellow its yellow. Black black its black. ... ... ....

《It's a red dog》PPT课件:

《It's a red dog》PPT课件 red 红色的 white 白色的 blue 蓝色的 yellow 黄色的 green 绿色的 blck 黑色的 根据图片说出相对应的颜色单词 red yellow blue black green 关键词:《..