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《The New Club》Enjoy Your Hobby PPT免费课件


《The New Club》Enjoy Your Hobby PPT免费课件

第一部分内容:Answer the questions:

Who writes the letter?

What did Brian ask his grandpa to do ? 

What did Brian and his classmates do this morning?

What is Danny’s hobby?

What is Jenny’s hobby?

What is Jenny’s idea?

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The New ClubPPT,第二部分内容:Focus on

1. Please send it back to me for my collection.


①send sth. to sb./ send sb. sth.给某人寄某物

Eg: My parents send a present to me every year.

He sent a letter to his friend yesterday.

I will send a postcard to my friend on Christmas.

②send back“寄回来” ;

Eg:  I sent him a present, but  he sent it back to me.

③send for


Eg: We can send for Marry’s books.

I can send for my favourite dress.


Eg: They sent for a taxi in time.

His mother was ill, he had to send for a doctor.

2.Everyone in my class brought his or her favourite hobby to school.

bring sth./sb. to some place.“把某物/人带到某地”。

Eg:  Don’t forget to bring your homework to school.

We will bring our hobbies to school tomorrow.

3. Everyone can take part in gardening.

(1) everyone等于everybody,意思是“每个人”,不指具体哪



Eg: Everyone is here today.

Everybody wants to be happy.

take part in 意为“参加,参与(某事物或某活动,如movement, revolution, meeting, conference, conversation, war等)”。

Eg: Switzerland didn't take part in this war. 

How many countries will take part in the World Cup? 

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The New ClubPPT,第三部分内容:Conclusion

1. send sth. to sb./ send sb. sth.给某人寄某物

2. bring sth./sb. to some place.“把某物/人带到某地”。

3. everyone等于everybody,意思是“每个人”,不指具体哪个人,而是强调整体。作主语时,一般与单数谓语动词连用

4. take part in  参加,参与(某事物或某活动,如movement, revolution, meeting, conference, conversation, war 等)

5. so +系动词 be/助动词/情态动词+主语,这一句型是主谓倒装结构,表示另一主语与前面陈述的情况有着相同的肯定概念。

关键词:冀教版八年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,The New ClubPPT下载,Enjoy Your HobbyPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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