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《Welcome to our school》PPT课件5

《Welcome to our school》PPT课件5

《Welcome to our school》PPT课件5

Let’s review

How many … lessons do you have in a week?

Look and say

How many places did the visitors visit before?

What are they?

What other places will they visit today?

Can you guess?

... ... ...

Listen and say

How many art lessons do they have in a week?

They have two. 

How many music lessons do they have in a week?

They have two. 

... ... ...


This is ... We often … in the …

How many … lessons do you have in a week?

We have ...



2.参考本课Just read and talk部分,写一篇小短文介绍我们的学校。(不少于6句)。

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《Welcome to Our School》School and Friends PPT教学课件:

《Welcome to Our School》School and Friends PPT教学课件 第一部分内容:Objectives 1.掌握重点单词:(预习中掌握)show,around, classroom,office,plan,fun, lab。 2.用英语..

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《Welcome to Our School》School and Friends PPT:

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